The Italian Space Agency (ASI) has promoted the development of the thematic platform costeLAB as a tool dedicated to monitoring, management and study of coastal areas (sea and land). costeLAB hosts cutting edge tools for satellite image processing and geospatial integration with insitu data, so as to allow an efficient access to archive data and facilitate direct engagement of users interested in deriving information according to their requirements.

Operating in systematic and on-demand modes, costeLAB provides users with validated algorithms and advanced data management resources to analyse multi-mission and multi-sensor data – particularly Copernicus Sentinels and ASI’s COSMO-SkyMed Synthetic Aperture Radar data – and to generate products based on user-selected input parameters, without the need for large data volume transfers. costeLAB aligns with the concept of the European Space Agency’s Thematic Exploitation Platforms, and represents a mean to exploit the Italian Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segment equipped with Sentinel-1/2/3 data archives and programmable computing resources. The platform aims to support downstream applications from a wider user community including the Civil Protection, environmental protection agencies and regulators, coastal scientists, academics, practitioners, and the general public.

Download a pdf with the platform details clicking here.