The product consists of 2 different types of maps:
- Daily map: contains the measurement of the height of the sea surface (sea surface height or SSH) with respect to the average surface of the sea, obtained on a daily basis
- Statistical Analysis: Sea Level Statistical Analysis Map to Produce Return Time of Extreme Events; Weibull-fit of sea level time series
Operating scenarios
- Base knowledge
Technical Specification
Requirement | Description |
Spatial resolution | 7 km |
Coverage area | Max AoI extension: 20000 km2 |
Geographic accuracy | Circular Error 90%: <=3.5 km |
Information Age | 1 day |
Measurement uncertainty | ± 10cm |
Measurement / projection unit | Measurement unit: m Projection: UTM-WGS84 |
Input EO data | CMEMS products: -MEDSEA_REANALYSIS_PHY_006_009 -SEALEVEL_MED_PHY_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_050 (available since 2017) |
Input data used | CMEMS product: MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_006_001_a |
Data used for validation | In situ measures |
Format | GIS file: GeoTIFF Metadata: standard ISO 19115, and compliant with INSPIRE 2007/2/CE and with Italian regulation “D.Lgs. n. 32 del 27/01/2010” |
Refresh rate | 1 day |
Statistical analysis
Requirement | Description |
Spatial resolution | Less than 15 km. |
Coverage area | Maximum extension of the AOI: 20000km 2 |
Geographic accuracy | Comparable with spatial resolution. |
Information Age | Data not prior to 2008. |
Measurement uncertainty | Dependent on the accuracy of the input data. According to the expected literature, an error of less than 15 cm of the Sea Level Anomalies parameter is expected. |
Measurement / projection unit | Unit of measure: – Return time: months – Weibull-fit: parameters a [m] and b[-] Projection: WGS84 |
Input EO data | Product: DT/NRT MSLA “all sat merged” (“Combination of all available satellites”) from the portal AVISO |
Other input data used (not EO) | None |
Data used for validation | In situ measurements or other EO data that will be identified during the project. |
Format | GeoTIFF for the product “Return time”. png for the product “Wind rose”. Metadata: meet ISO 19115 standards, and specifications provided by the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 / EC and the relevant Decree . n. 32 of 27/01/2010 |
Refresh rate | 3 months |