Marine ecosystem (SST)


Sea surface temperature maps, measured from satellite data through fully automated processing

Operating scenarios

  • Ordinary monitoring
  • Extraordinary monitoring

Technical specification

Spatial resolution1km
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 20,000 km2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: <= 0.5 pixel (equal to half the spatial resolution)
Information Age2 hours
Measurement uncertainty± 0.5 ° C
Measurement / projection unitUnit of measurement: Degrees Celsius (° C) Projection: Geographic-WGS84
Input EO data– Optical sensors equipped with 2 bands in the TIR: MODIS, Sentinel-3
Other input dataIn situ measurements of the parameters considered, if available.
Validation dataIn situ measurements from field campaigns
FormatGeoTIFF Metadata: compliant with ISO 19115 standards, and with the specifications provided for by the Inspire Directive by the relative Legislative Decree
Refresh rate1 day


Sea surface temperature map of the Ionian Sea, obtained using Sentinel-3 data