Landslide activities


  • Post-processing tool for estimating the effective movement of landslides starting from interferometric measurements on PS obtained with SAR data.
  • In the case of landslides, it is assumed that the sliding direction of the landslide coincides with that of the maximum slope of the land.
  • This direction can be obtained starting from a digital model of the input terrain (the accuracy in determining the direction of maximum slope is a function of the accuracy of the input DEM).
  • A single acquisition geometry can be used to estimate the direction and extent of the landslide

Operating scenarios

  • Base knowledge
  • Ordinary monitoring

Technical specification

Spatial resolutionSensor function used Sentinel 1A IW mode: 12 mx 4 m Cosmo- SkyMed HIMAGE: 3 mx 3 m
Coverage areaSensor function used Sentinel 1A IW mode: 50 km x 50 km Cosmo- SkyMed HIMAGE: 10 km x 10 km
Geographic accuracySensor function used Sentinel 1A IW mode: 12 m Cosmo- SkyMed HIMAGE: 1.5 m
Information Age4 months / 1 year
Measurement uncertaintySensor function, number of images and time period Sentinel 1A IW mode, 30 images, 2 years: 2 mm / year Cosmo- SkyMed HIMAGE, 30 images, 2 years: 4 mm / year
Measurement / projection unitmm / year geographical reference system
EO data in inputPS data obtained from satellite data processing Sentinel 1, Cosmo- SkyMed
Input data usedNA
Given for validationNA
Algorithm methodBreakdown of motion based on observation geometry
FormatAscii files
Refresh rate4 months / 1 year


Example of Soil movement estimation over Scicli town (Sicily). The direction is represented by the arrow, the intensity by the color