Hydrocarbon beaching


  • Detection of oils in sea areas adjacent to the coast in order to generate alerts for potential beachings
    Use case: triggering execution of beached oil characterization algorithms (product research CosteLab developed dl CNR-IMAA)
  • Method:
    • This alert is the result of a semi-automatic operational chain and will be provided during the demonstration period of the project by identifying potentially stranding oil spills (proximity criterion with the coast) through the analysis of SAR data.
    • For this alert, the operational chain will be used, based on the SEonSE platform of eGEOS , in external service mode provided by e-Geos
    • The detected oil spill is segmented and characterized in terms of radiometric contrast and geometry

Operating scenarios

  • Extraordinary monitoring

Technical specification

RequirementProduct Description Offered
Spatial resolutionFrom 5 to 100 m (depending on the SAR data used for estimation)
Coverage areaFrom 1600 to 60000 Km ^ 2 (depending on the SAR data used for estimation)
Geographic accuracy15 m (geometric accuracy of the incoming SAR data)
Information Age1 day
Measurement uncertainty2 pixels of shape definition accuracy
Measurement / projection unitLength / width: meters Area: m 2 Projection: Lat / Lon WGS84
EO data in inputSAR data from COSMO- SkyMed , Radarsat-2 and Sentinel-1
Input data usedWind forecast from ECMWF or NOAA data
Given for validationIn situ data
Algorithm methodAutomatic feature extraction for extension characterization
FormatShape file
Refresh ratePotential, given by the revisit of the sensor: 12 hours


Example of oil spill map generated by costeLAB