The Project

The project designed, developed, demonstrated and validated a thematic platform dedicated to coastal areas (sea and land). The platform hosts techniques and procedures for processing satellite data and data in situ, allowing efficient access to archives and direct interaction. with the user able to activate the processing according to their requirements.

Operating systematically or on-demand, the platform allows the processing and analysis of multi-mission and multi-sensor data, with particular attention to Sentinel and COSMO-SkyMed data.

The project developed the “collaborative virtual laboratory” dedicated to the monitoring and management of coastal risk based on multi-mission and multi-sensor data of EO data.

In this way, the actors of the research world (CNR, Universities, etc.) can access SaaS (Software as a Service) tools and resources allowing them to experiment with their own or shared processors, exploiting the databases and computing resources of the Collaborative Ground Segment and thus expanding the data set, the portfolio of processors and computing resources, that a researcher accesses normally and with greater ease of use of data and services.

Institutions such as ISPRA, having a fundamental role in supporting the legislator, are able to interact with the platform to validate the information content of some products with respect to current laws and regulations. In this way, they are able to propose useful changes to ensure the effective usability of the various products in an institutional context.

End users (ARPA, PAL, Civil Protection, etc.) can experience the usefulness of the products for test areas with real operational problems through the platform.

The platform allows the community of users who deal with issues related to the coastal zone to participate in the development of new products and applications through the functionalities made available by the virtual laboratory.

The team

The project is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research – MIUR, and managed by the Italian Space Agency – ASI. The industrial team is composed of e-GEOS as prime contractor, and Planetek Italia. The scientific component is represented by the National Research Council (CNR) and includes researchers from the IREA, ISMAR, ISAC, and IMAA institutes, who are active since many years in the national and international field in research projects on applications of optical, altimetric and SAR remote sensing in marine and coastal environments.

As subcontractor of e-GEOS and Planetek Italia respectively, the consortium includes also two SMEs: MEEO srl and GAP srl.