Erosion exposure


  • Map of exposure to the risk of erosion modulated on the social / economic value of the elements subject to risk in the event of erosion phenomena or the advancement of the coastline.
  • Key information:
    • Land Use Map
    • Defense works map
    • Coast line map
    • DEM
  • Each land use polygon is associated with an exposure value linked to the class it belongs to and the population density, which will subsequently be weighted according to the distance and type of the coastline, the presence of defense works and the morphological characteristics of the area on which it insists.

Operating scenarios

  • Base knowledge

Technical specification

Spatial resolutionDependent on the input data 1-10m
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 250km2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: dependent on the input land use map and in any case: <= 2 pixels (equal to 2 times the spatial resolution)
Information Age3 years
Measurement uncertaintyDependent on the Input Map
Measurement / projection unitProjection: UTM-WGS84
Input EO dataNot necessary
Other input dataLand Use Map (State Map, basic knowledge) Defense Works Map (State Map) Coastline Map (State Map) DEM Population Density (GEOSTAT)
Validation dataNot applicable
FormatGIS-file: shapefile Metadata: compliant with ISO 19115 standards, and with the specifications required by the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 / EC and by the relative Legislative Decree no. 
32 of 27/01/2010
Refresh rate1 year


Map of exposure to the risk of erosion modulated on the social / economic value of the elements subject to risk in the case of erosion phenomena or the advancement of the coastline, on the coastal area of the asola di Pianosa. The map is obtained starting from a Land Use Map, a Coast Line Map, a Map of Contemporary Coastal Defense Works and using the following ancillary data: DEM, Hydraulic Hazard Areas (ISPRA) – Population Density ( GEOSTAT)