Habitat change maps


Similarly to the land use change map, this product represents a mapping of the variation of habitats into which the coastal area is divided (both from the land side and the sea side)

Operating scenarios

  • Extraordinary monitoring

Technical specification

Spatial resolution5 – 20 m
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 1000 km2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: <= 0.5 pixel (equal to half the spatial resolution)
Information Age1 years
Measurement uncertainty20%
Measurement / projection unitProjection: UTM-WGS84
Input EO data-Pair of one of these high resolution optical data: oSentinel-2 oPléiades, WorldView-2/3, GeoEye relative to the initial and final dates considered. 
Not necessary if Habitat Map (State Maps) are available for both the start date and the end date.
Other input data– Habitat Maps (State Map) for the start and end dates. 
Other optional data between the initial and final dates considered: -DEM -Map of the coast line -CORINE LAND COVER -CORINE LAND COVER -High Resolution Layers from Copernicus Land Monitoring Services
Validation dataGround truth
FormatGIS-file: shapefile and GeoTIFF Metadata: compliant with ISO 19115 standards, and with the specifications provided for by the INSPIRE Directive by the relative Legislative Decree
Refresh rate1 year


Map of Coastal Marine Habitat Change Use of the Coastal Soil in the Gulf of Naples, obtained by comparing two Maps of the Coastal Marine Habitat relating to two different dates