The Land Use Change Map represents a mapping of the land use change in the area of interest considered between a start and end date. These variations are characterized both geometrically (delineation of the area subject to change), and thematically based on previous and current use, according to a thematic legend defined starting from that used for the product Land Use Map (State Map)
Operating scenarios
- Post event
Technical specification
Requirement | Description |
Spatial resolution | 2-10m |
Coverage area | Maximum extension of the AOI: 1000km2 |
Geographic accuracy | Circular Error 90%: <= 10m |
Information Age | 6 months |
Measurement uncertainty | 15% |
Measurement / projection unit | Projection: UTM-WGS84 |
Input EO data | -Pair of one of these high or medium resolution optical data: oPléiades / GeoEye / WorldView-2/3 oSentinel-2 relating to the initial and final dates considered. Not necessary if Land Use Map (State Maps) are available for both the start date and the end date. |
Other input data | – Land Use Maps (State Map) for start and end dates. Other optional data between the initial and final dates considered: -DEM -Map of the coast line -CORINE LAND COVER -CORINE LAND COVER -High Resolution Layers from Copernicus Land Monitoring Services |
Validation data | data from buoy or altimeter in the test area |
Format | GIS-file: shapefile and GeoTIFF Metadata: compliant with ISO 19115 standards, and with the specifications required by the Inspire Directive by the relative Legislative Decree |
Refresh rate | 6 months |