Land use and soil sealing change map


The Land Use Change Map represents a mapping of the land use change in the area of ​​interest considered between a start and end date. These variations are characterized both geometrically (delineation of the area subject to change), and thematically based on previous and current use, according to a thematic legend defined starting from that used for the product Land Use Map (State Map)

Operating scenarios

  • Post event

Technical specification

Spatial resolution2-10m
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 1000km2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: <= 10m
Information Age6 months
Measurement uncertainty15%
Measurement / projection unitProjection: UTM-WGS84
Input EO data-Pair of one of these high or medium resolution optical data: oPléiades / GeoEye / WorldView-2/3 oSentinel-2 relating to the initial and final dates considered. 
Not necessary if Land Use Map (State Maps) are available for both the start date and the end date.
Other input data– Land Use Maps (State Map) for start and end dates. 
Other optional data between the initial and final dates considered: -DEM -Map of the coast line -CORINE LAND COVER -CORINE LAND COVER -High Resolution Layers from Copernicus Land Monitoring Services
Validation datadata from buoy or altimeter in the test area
FormatGIS-file: shapefile and GeoTIFF Metadata: compliant with ISO 19115 standards, and with the specifications required by the Inspire Directive by the relative Legislative Decree
Refresh rate6 months


Coastal Soil Use Change Map on the Upper Adriatic Sea (Iesolo area), obtained by comparing two Coastal Soil Use Maps relating to two different dates