Habitat maps


  • The coastal marine habitat map is a further specialization of the ‘Coastal land use’ product which can also include the seabed.
  • The map includes a series of classes extracted from the Natura 2000 nomenclature. A part of these are determined by converting similar land use classes, the remaining in the manual phase of interpretation. The latter also includes the mapping of the seabed

Operating scenarios

  • Base knowledge
  • Ordinary monitoring
  • Extraordinary monitoring
  • Post event

Technical specification

Spatial resolution5 – 20 m
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 1000km 2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: <= 0.5 pixel (half of the spatial resolution)
Information Age1 year
Measurement uncertainty20%
Measurement / projection unitProjection: Geographic UTM-WGS84
EO data in inputOptical hi-res or mid-res data: Sentinel-2, Pléiades, WorldView-2/3, GeoEye
Other input data used (not EO)Up-to-date or historical in situ surveys that may be available relating to the types of habitats existing in the AOI
Data used for validationGround truth points or maps provided by the user
FormatGeoTIFF and shapefile. Metadata: ISO 19115 standards, and specifications provided by the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 / EC and the relevant Italian regulation n. 32 of 27/01/2010
Refresh rate1 year


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Map of coastal marine habitats on the island of Pianosa, obtained using Pléiades data