Sea level


The product consists of 2 different types of maps:

  • Daily map: contains the measurement of the height of the sea surface (sea surface height or SSH) with respect to the average surface of the sea, obtained on a daily basis
  • Statistical Analysis: Sea Level Statistical Analysis Map to Produce Return Time of Extreme Events; Weibull-fit of sea level time series

Operating scenarios

  • Base knowledge

Technical Specification

Spatial resolution7 km
Coverage areaMax AoI extension: 20000 km2
Geographic accuracyCircular Error 90%: <=3.5 km
Information Age1 day
Measurement uncertainty± 10cm
Measurement / projection unitMeasurement unit: m
Projection: UTM-WGS84
Input EO dataCMEMS products:
-SEALEVEL_MED_PHY_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_050 (available since 2017)
Input data usedCMEMS product: MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_006_001_a
Data used for validationIn situ measures
FormatGIS file: GeoTIFF
Metadata: standard ISO 19115, and compliant with INSPIRE 2007/2/CE and with Italian regulation “D.Lgs. n. 32 del 27/01/2010”
Refresh rate1 day

Statistical analysis

Spatial resolutionLess than 15 km.
Coverage areaMaximum extension of the AOI: 20000km 2
Geographic accuracyComparable with spatial resolution.
Information AgeData not prior to 2008.
Measurement uncertaintyDependent on the accuracy of the input data. According to the expected literature, an error of less than 15 cm of the Sea Level Anomalies parameter is expected.
Measurement / projection unitUnit of measure:
– Return time: months
– Weibull-fit: parameters a [m] and b[-]
Projection: WGS84
Input EO dataProduct: DT/NRT MSLA “all sat merged” (“Combination of all available satellites”) from the portal AVISO
Other input data used (not EO)None
Data used for validationIn situ measurements or other EO data that will be identified during the project.
FormatGeoTIFF for the product “Return time”. png for the product “Wind rose”. Metadata: meet ISO 19115 standards, and specifications provided by the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 / EC and the relevant Decree . n. 32 of 27/01/2010
Refresh rate3 months


Sea Level Map on marine areas of Southern Italy, obtained using Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) data